Various pieces of software I have developed for a variety of purposes.
Ciencias is an award winning testing and quiz program for teachers to distribute tests online easily.
IMGCorrupt corrupts image (or other) files to produce interesting effects.
JARC-APK is a tool for converting Android APKs to run in Google Chrome using the ARChon framework.
M3UArtistsGet gets a list of artists by parsing an M3U file.
ZDoomResourceRandomizer randomizes assets in a given ZDoom mod to produce humourous game variations.
Random File Picker picks a random file from a list and runs it. Useful for choosing a movie or video game to play.
Software libraries and utilities that are meant for developer use.
HagglerVNE is the visual novel engine for HaxeFlixel that powers "The Haggler". It is a basic event queue system.
Apkizer is a shell script that configures Android applications to run in Google Chrome using the ARChon framework
Oblige4MM8BDM is a configuration for the random level generator OBLIGE to make levels suited for Mega Man 8-bit Deathmatch.