"No formal experience!"


Various pieces of software I have developed for a variety of purposes.

Ciencias is an award winning testing and quiz program for teachers to distribute tests online easily.

Source Code

IMGCorrupt corrupts image (or other) files to produce interesting effects.

Source Code

JARC-APK is a tool for converting Android APKs to run in Google Chrome using the ARChon framework.

Source Code

M3UArtistsGet gets a list of artists by parsing an M3U file.

Source Code

ZDoomResourceRandomizer randomizes assets in a given ZDoom mod to produce humourous game variations.

Source Code

Random File Picker picks a random file from a list and runs it. Useful for choosing a movie or video game to play.

Source Code

Libraries and Utilities

Software libraries and utilities that are meant for developer use.


HagglerVNE is the visual novel engine for HaxeFlixel that powers "The Haggler". It is a basic event queue system.

Source Code


Apkizer is a shell script that configures Android applications to run in Google Chrome using the ARChon framework

Source Code


Parser for Ciencias formatted files written in Haxe

Source Code


Oblige4MM8BDM is a configuration for the random level generator OBLIGE to make levels suited for Mega Man 8-bit Deathmatch.

Source Code